I had the idea for The Trainer’s Table years ago, but not as an owner. I was looking for it as a client.
I’ve had all the aches and pains of doing too much or too little in life and plenty of experience at ‘getting older’.
I’ve gone to chiropractors, physical therapy and massage therapists for all these aches with inconsistent experiences and result. I usually ended up doing self-care.
I’ve tried all the self-remedies like foam rolling, stretch routines, yoga (YouTube and classes), softball/lacrosse ball trigger point, massage chairs/guns, tens units, heat/ice packs, way too much ibuprofen, etc.
I wanted a place that was as easy, covered the whole body, was consistent, effective and I knew what I was getting for service.
Finally, I just decided to create it myself. I went back to school, passed the MBLEx (massage board licensing exam) and continue to take classes to expand my knowledge.